In light of the 40th Anniversary Celebration of Superman, let's not forget the crew that originally made this iconic movie come to life especially the director...Richard Donner. Most of all, the one who took the iconic role to another level...Christopher Reeve. Furthermore, the actors and actresses that also made their mark and are no longer with us today- Marlon Brando (Jor-El), Susanna York (Lara), Margot Kidder (Lois Lane), Jackie Cooper (Perry White), Phyllis Thaxter (Martha Kent) and Glenn Ford (Jonathan Kent). And last (but not least), another man who took ANOTHER ICONIC ROLE to a new level and is still alive...the one and only...Gene Hackman (Lex Luthor). Unmistakably, this movie will STILL go on strong in the next 40+ years. Let the celebration continue.