It was okay. The movie had a lot of call back to home moments. I enjoyed the voice acting, and writing a lot, and it felt very natural in many ways with the flow. My only gripe I think would be I guess the ending scenes itself. The show was moving along at a nice pace, the plot was set to save The Fatheads, and then it kind of started moving a little too fast and felt rushed at the point Rachel and her father met and had their disagreement. I know this show went through production Hell, so it kind of shows, but at least they tried their best to bring it together. I would love to see a reboot of the series come back, but that's gonna take Netflix buying the rights, because Nickelodeon's current management shows little interest. It's worth watching if you're a fan. It's a nice testament of how the times have changed, and Rocko has to update his "Modern" life.