An excellent experience despite a few annoying flaws.
First, the graphics are very nice. Very good use of pixel art. Lots of atmosphere, beatiful art and animations.
Second, the music perfectly sets the mood and adds to the emotional journey, never taking over.
Third, the gameplay is smooth, though never really challenging. Some platforming, some basic puzzle solving, a little bit of "combat", lots of walking and very little metroidvania elements, where things locked or not available in the level at first, will become so, once certain item is obtained or puzzle is solved, backtracking pending. Overall, none of those overstay its welcome, and the game switches between activities at a very good pace, keeping the gameplay flow nicely.
Now to the flaws:
First, the story is bashingly confusing at first. It's all atmosphere and mystery, but lots of confusing nonsencial narration that basically means nothing and has very little effect on the eventual resolution. The meaning behind all the alegories and metaphors got so lost, I barely remembered anything while playing. Only towards the end, things begin somewhat to make sense and then the ending bashes you on the head with an "aha-a-a!" moment that really feels quite disconnected, though starting to fit the narrative in retrospect. But not before that. So, the narration gives very little motivation to play. Thankfully, everything else compensates nicely.
Second, the knight sections are frustratingly simple and repetative. These are the only sections where you're barely engaged in anything but button smashing in extremely simplistic combat, except the enemy doesn't really fights back. I understand that narratively it works, but gameplay-wise it is simply boring and annoying.
Same with the old man's sections. You just walk. Very slowly. It halts the game and tests your patience. Fits the narrative, but works against the gameplay.
Third, the controls can be wonky sometimes. It doesn't bother most of the time, but occasionally it would really hurt the experience.
So in the end, the game left me with a very pleasant after-taste. The story was good and packed the emotional punch needed after the confusing beginning, the gameplay was fun and easy and the graphics along with the music contributed a lot to the short but very good experience.