A MAN fot ALL SEASONS takes us back to the last century, when movies could be about great Christian heroes, in this case St. Thomas More, a true Renaissance man, who wrote to Erasmus and was a scholar/ruler, Lord Chancilor under Henry VIII. It's an all-star cast with some excellent performances: Wendy Hillyer as More's illiterat pragmatic loving wife, Susanah York as Margaret, his loving daughter, who speaks latin more fluently than the King, Robert Bolt's splendid resonant voice and lined aged face as More has the strength of morality needed for a perilous time, when men were forced to choose, although he tries to save himself by the fine line of the law. Leo McKern is superb as a rough tough Cromwell, who is in tune with the times. The camera knows how to use distances with sound following its images, the narrow window of Thomas' cell in the Tower of London gives a restricted view od cchildren at play.
Some small errors--Thomas seated while speaking to the standing King, the Germanic pronunciation of Latin, before a stubborn clumsy-tongued German invented. it. A strong moral for today's GOP, who've caved to a vulgarian.