A complete disaster! Missed a lot of details about the personality of some of the main characters as Achilles, Odysseus and Hector. The scene of Achilles and the old Priam, jeezzz how to destroy the most touching scene of the Epic literature! Hector and Andromake scene before his duel with Achilles another lyric moment completely missed. Not to mention the luck of understanding of the role of the Gods in these epic Romance. Completely missed them point of Aeneas survival, whose escaping from the Troy falling results in the Virgilius Aeneaide and results in a connection with Rome most acclaimed emperor Augustus. For someone who has studied Greek literature and philosophy and translated from original these was just worse quality than a soup opera! A complete disaster! Honestly any Italian high school students of a Classic Lyceum would have done a better job in writing the script of these series than the screen-player did. I have no words to describe my disappointment.