My thoughts on the game are little to not much hope. As Evolve did before this game has gone the way of the Money matters more than the game, releasing a 100 dollar Ultimate addition for a game that is riddled with bugs and problems I find disgusting.
Honestly giving this a proper review would take to long so for short I will just answer the question. As a person who grew up to play l4d2 since 2009 and had own the pc copy at 2013 when the game itself was "Free" is this game a Worthy successor to it? Afraid to say it was not. Turtle rock says they had much involvement with l4d's creation and even now I am starting to even debate if they even did. What makes l4d work is just not in this game that is riddled with bugs that need to be fixed (need is a soft word for should have already) Enemies that feel bullet spongy and some mechanics that affect the community more than anything could. This game has shown me more that gaming is really falling and another game collapse is closer than we think it is and the further we let games like this have excuses the less likely we will get anything close to one. We may never get a proper l4d3 at all ever, but I think maybe its for the best we leave it at that.