There should be lemon laws for video games, just like there are for cars. It's disgusting that EA released the game in its current state. The game is painfully buggy. Every time I reload for the first time, the reload tooltip stays on the screen for the rest of the match. The AA launcher is bugged and does not properly display the lock-on message more times than not. There have been several times where I have died and cannot release or be revived (or even redeploy!) so I have to quit and find a new game. The menus and UI are way too complicated. Crossplay is terrible, turn it off for a better experience. The loadouts constantly reset and force me to reapply all of my skins and attachments for guns and vehicles (this is the most annoying bug of all). The servers are laggy and I have 200 Mbps using a wired connection on PS5, so why are the servers lagging? The game is just a colossal disappointment right now. I can't believe EA hoodwinked me into paying $120 for it. There should be lemon laws for video games.