I watched this movie and read the books years ago and it was a masterpiece, but now re-watching it's very bad. It's a fun concept you know like vampires and stuff. I hate that Edward got away with so much creepy stuff because he was attractive like ex: creeping on Bella IN HER ROOM AS SHE SLEEPS???!! He's also like 100 and something going after 18 year-olds, idc it's still creepy for me! Also making an actual Native tribe as werewolves is incredibly problematic, just make up a name or something. And making Jacob played by Taylor Lautner, a white man is a loss of opportunity. Also the wigs... lol. The aesthetics of the movie are cute but the whole idea of making the movie in blue tone, I know it's supposed to make pale skin pop out and yellow for brown skin, but it doesn't work when POC and white characters are together it just goes to show that there wasn't much thought on POC while making the movie.... considering the fact that the writer of the books never thought of having POC in the movie besides obv the bad rep of natives(I think they removed it tho it's still weird) Also the concept of making the white characters victims in the whole "there in my land" is weird because it's obvious the natives are right. Also, this movie has no diversity, and that's my biggest NO NO. Token characters are not diversity!!