Bit of a spoiler below:
I just want to know why Willard was so poor for that time period. America was flush with cash post WWII. It’s like Willard didn’t get paid for being in the military, and he didn’t know that the GI Bill existed. Which just has me completely puzzled. I can’t believe someone like Willard wouldn’t have said something if he didn’t get paid and didn’t know about the GI Bill. So why make his character like this. Why did they make him so poor when in reality he would not have been. A run down house and a beat up pickup truck on the WEst Virginia Ohio boarder. Give me a break. It was really annoying that the movie made a big point about socioeconomics, and then gave no reasoning as to why Willard was so poor when in reality he should not have been.
Other then that it was a good movie.