I liked this movie a lot Jaoquin’s performance is great and has such a sad and realistic feel to it. I normally hate origin story movies and do not care much for most ‘super hero’ movies, i.e The Avengers series or many of the Marvell (Disney) franchises. I always find the acting to be terrible in the Marvell movies and even pervious Batman or Superman films, usually recycling the same tropes, uncertain character, finds power within, wins the day gets the girl and is usually wealthy.
This movie ignores those and I feel like is more meant for the general public than people who frequent conventions and need a more in my opinion clean version of a hero type. Joker is a villain but the plot and performance give the character depth and highlight the mental illness these characters must face in their approach. The laughing as a tick, the sad delusional fantasies of being a normal person, or visions of grandeur really hit home. The movie was well executed and is definitely one of my favorites, creating a deeply hurt corrupt character that is both lovable and easy to dislike.