Bravestarr is a fond memory for lots of 30-somethings.
On rewatching, the show has some absolute standout stellar episodes, with Gut-punching hard hitting storylines, and great combat and dialog. Unfortunately, these amount to about 5 episodes. You have about a dozen other very decent episodes, but the vast majority of the show is borderline unwatchable, very heavily recycled poor animation, atrocious voice acting, and heavily reused storylines.
Shame, but you MUST see at least the top 5 or so. I would say :
Fallen Idol, The Price, Sunrise-sunset , Ballad of Sara Jane, Night of the Bronco Tank. Also the Tex Hex centric ones are good too. Amazing episodes.
Some stories are decent, such as the backstory of the barman handlebars being a former pirate, but these are very few and very far between. Deputy Fuzz is only cute for one episode, he is just a parasite for the rest of the show and his voice is horrendous.
Is it worth a rewatch? For completionist sake sure, there is some magical moments through out, and Thirty Thirty is the ultimate Badass ( for the most part, but has some shoddy writing later on ) but you will really really struggle to get through about 40 episodes.