I have rated 9/10, and it's closer to 10 indeed. It is a kind of masterpiece of patterns rising evil to what only a few good man can escape. Without knowing the roots of all of what we call evilness, we don't know and appreciate what the good means, like without dark we will not appreciate light or absence of it. In my opinion "Joker" aims to unhide, unfortunately the true nature of human being. Since when you see in human entire history beside great things, we see a lot of evilness and world massive killings. This way, a simple logical question can be made like: how can we be called humans the same ones who makes truly good things, and those who makes enormous bad things.
So the "Joker" does fill that up as how can evil rise so quickly without a doubt even in most democratic societies, which has to rise awareness.
There were many part of the screenplay that I liked too. Ending was a masterpiece with establishing an evil figure admiration and on other hand beginning of forming of coming Batman who faces as a child loses two parents in front of his eyes...
Acting was brilliant. I foresee a new Oscar winning of Joaquin Phoenix acting in a kind of Daniel Day-Lewis patterns of inspiration and interpretation.
#bfm @bfmigjeni