This book is not very well known, and I do think it’s a bit underrated, but it’s definitely one of the best books I’ve read about creative thinking. In this book, the author takes us on a journey of exploring the very act of creating creative things. What I loved the most about it is that it is so inherently human and oh-so-relatable in every way. He draws on examples from the Muppets and Mozart, Archimedes and Apple, Kandinsky to Coca-Cola, and uses them to showcase how new things come to being. One of my favorite quotes from the book is this: “The best way to begin is the same as the best way to swim in the sea. No tiptoes. No wading. Go under. Get wet and cold from scalp to sole. Splutter up salt, push the hair from your brow, then stroke and stroke again. Feel the chill change. Do not look back or think ahead. Just go.”