Well there’s certainly a whole lot of conservative white folks upset about this film. I personally enjoyed it, I did find a lot of the foreshadowing, character tropes, and human rights-related lines very heavy-handed and obvious at times. Within the first 5 mins they are throwing buzzwords like gentrification around and I feel like that’s just going to put people off. It shouldn’t, because this movie has a really poignant message to get across, but it will. The characters were good, but I didn’t find them fleshed-out enough, they are very 2D. Especially the brother of the leading lady, he was just Stereotypical Gay Character #457 with absolutely no personality beyond being “sassy” which is so overplayed and shallow in my personal opinion. Some characters like the main guy’s mum just seem to be shoehorned in with no real context which sucks. You also get to see Candyman’s full face and body in the very first scene which I didn’t expect, I would have liked more suspense building up to it as the actor’s creepy smile did go right through me, it would have been good to build up to that.
However like I say, I did really enjoy the film. The acting is great. It didn’t take long to get the schtick which is: Candyman represents black men wrongfully killed, avenges own death by killing racist/prejudiced white people who also happen to be the ones saying his name in the mirror. The characters that are killed are ones that purposefully misunderstand the plight of black characters, or belittle them. I like how they took this old wives’ tale and used it to tell a very real, very violent story. Just like the main character does. Like I say, they are very heavy-handed at times and really just state the obvious, but there are subtler occasions too that do pack a punch. There’s a lot that didn’t seem fleshed-out or paced very well, but overall I enjoyed it and it’s only 90 mins long so I’d recommend going to see it. If you are a very conservative “anti-woke” person, please try to approach it with an open mind. They are not yelling at you, they are telling a story, try and listen and learn and don’t take it so personally. You might enjoy it like I did!