First off it's a reality show, super scripted and doesn't feel very authentic. There is very little plot, and unless you are interested in watching the "first world problems" of the 1% I'm not really sure this will appeal to you.
But I think what really makes this show abysmal is the hypocrisy and wokeness. I'm all for empowerment, but this isn't it. Julia talks about freedom and empowerment none stop, yet meddles in her children's lives, and all around behaves like a child. The children have freedom as long as it lines up with her views of the world, otherwise you get the sense that it would be trouble in paradise. In short, based on everything I've seen so far, she seems to be projecting onto her children the abusive and restrictive world she claims to have escaped from.
In all honesty, I think there is no story here. It seems netflix, and the creators spent time trying to create a story from nothing. It became about Jewish Orthodoxy as a way of creating some story about freedom and power, even as none likely existed.