I really enjoy the guest speakers and varying points of view BUT PLEASE PLEASE do not let it be 2016 all over where I so wanted to hear Hillary being interviewed and or segments of her State rallies being played but all i got was the crazy stuff TRUMP was ding-- and all the stations sure made sure he got elected wiht ALL of that free TRUMP nonsense being played day after
day-- TRUMP got too much free news so much of what Hillary stood for was never shown to us onall the main stations Now with C19 preventing rallies and or town hall meetings all on MSNBC need to be interviewing Joe Biden daily and less free info on TRUMP (which is what je hopes the stations will continue to do) by repeating his lies over and over again many will just come to believe his lies- to be the truth -so NOW present Joe biden daily-- n ot TRUMP so that the voters can see what knowledge he has to how best to deal/solve the MESS TRUMP and the current Republican party has --the US cannot continue WITH the present medical system-- the Supreme court needs balance-- The SENATE allows nothing really helpful to main street to be passed-- TRUMP has filled the swamp NOT drained the swamp and let us hear more about that from Biden and his soon to be announced female VP --Less TRUMP please and more Biden IE seeing him and hearing him TRUMP has Fox News to champion him who does Biden have these past weeks I am not hearing much from MSNBC THANK YOU