In my opinion this album is brilliant!
for a rookie group this album is considered as a high standard album. Each songs has different concept that makes the album extraordinary. They're concept is also amazing. They took it to the next by choosing concept from one of the best fantasy book in the world which is Harry Potter.
Personally I like the title song, '9 and Three Quarters (Run Away)' because it reflects how some teenagers felt these days. They want to Run Away from their misery and go to their dream world where inside it has a lot of magical things.
Other than 'Run Away' (The title song) I also like 'Magic Island' and 'Can't We Just Leave The Monster Alive'. Magic Island has a really deep meaning about friendship and togetherness. Beside that CWJLTMA is a fun song with an EDM genre.
Overall The Dream Chapter: Magic is a spectacular album. I really look forward to TOMORROW X TOGETHER upcoming album in the future. Fighting you guys!!! :)