I enjoyed the movie for sure but like most "netflix original films" its not the movie that I disliked its the ending. Not because I thought the ending was bad but because the endings in these movies always leave questions or cliffhangers and generally just don't feel like a resolution to me. That would be fine if we were getting another movie but you never know if you will or not and so far with these "netflix original films" a sequel for anything has yet to happen, but anyways I digress. The movie itself was great, at first I thought all the music was a little ridiculous but then I realised a lot of music fits Vegas perfectly, especially when there's no lights and you can't rely on typical flashing lights and songs. I do however wish they would have gone with the original version of these songs especially zombie. The tiger in this movie is amazingly well done and the whole movie is great but I can't help but notice a couple similarities to netflix own movie "Triple Threat" where a guy puts together a team of people he knows and has worked with to go into the field and make some money using the skills they picked up over time to make themselves some money for almost the same reasons Bautistas character says. "All we have done and look where it got us" put simply. Putting all that aside the movie was great and I will definitely watch it again down the line.