I absolutely love this game. Or so I did until this most recent update. Yesterday if you asked me about Paladins I would have nothing bad to say at all. It's hands down my favorite game ever right now...is what I would have said yesterday. If you haven't played it before this newest update (updated today)....don't. The new update makes the game unplayable garbage unless you're using three champions. They took out everything I liked most about post game (Stats, top play and best in class stuff). The game itself outside of playing in a match (which runs really smooth but unless you have one of three champions you will get destroyed) is utter chaos. It's a massive bug all away around. Loading screens are broken, choosing a champion is broken, the audio is broken, the list continues. Until they get rid of this update I am absolutely done playing and promoting this game. I would rather go blow a hundred bucks on a corrupt company like Blizzard.