*Spoiler Alert*
Moral of this story, if your brother dies, that means Jesus loves you. But, it's okay, because your girlfriend helps you forget that your brother ever existed, within seconds.
I hated that I felt no consequences. Torn acl? Lost football scholarship? Lost athletic future? No problem! Here's a pretty girl to make you forget that, for the moment, your athletic career is GONE.
Brother has chronic seizures? No problem. Let's not explain to the audience how he's in mortal danger from his diagnosis, because prayer will fix it. Gee thanks.
Your brother DIES!..... no problem... let's cut to you crying for 5 seconds after you were told. My heart is broken because the filmmakers killed a really good person, but that's just how it goes. And now let's cut to... next week? Next month? More? Less? PRETTY GIRL MAKES IT BETTER. No tears, only smiles. I mourned for your brother longer than anyone in the movie did.
I mainly don't understand how his brother dying makes him realize that Jesus loves him... what? Explain to me that train of thought. This whole time your grappling with your faith, and it's your brother's untimely demise that makes you realize that Jesus love you? No sir. I don't buy it.