Absolute garbage. There is barely any relationship to the books and where you’re able to grow with the characters when you’re reading the books, there was no desire to bond with anyone here, and the twisted mind who just had to ruin the lifelong friendship of Moiraine and Siuan with lesbianism is appalling. It already tells us ( the ardent fans of the books) that some of the main relationships that formed the threads for how the wheel wove everyone together to defeat the Dark One has been ignored…no Faille for Perrin, so how are you going to win over the Borderlands?, no Garett Byrne for Siaun since she’d now a lesbian….in addition to everyone being miscast…at least Rand has red hair.
I was so excited when I saw this series was coming but I honestly fought back tears after watching the first 4 episodes. Absolute garbage.
Robert Jordan has to be rolling over in his grave.