Call of duty was a good game maybe 20 years ago. Call of duty 1 and 2 were the best. After that the whole crew of this game became so greedy, that money and dollar sign became their first priority and a dream. After making their money, they just stopped improving the game, especially the maps are unbelievably garbage. I remember Normandy map, which was amazing and challenging. Then these people changed it to space gaming, in which you could climb the walls and laser beam guns were instead of normal rifles and handguns. Before the rifles were actually with real names, like M16 was automatic and kal was a great kicking rifle. Today's games are just garbage. Before the servers were in normal situation, and now you get lag and lost pockets because the servers are heated up due to the population and the company is not spending money to change them. Only ripping people off and let them play a lagging game and with very very stupid maps. No challenge, no trees, no mountains. I remember one of the games, you could actually climb a tree and hide there for snipe and it was very nice map. It is gone too. In general, I will never and ever pay anymore money to these greedy idiots, who are looking for the money only.