This show used to be watchable, now it is filled with stress, nitpicking, political feuds and many times unsubstantiated comments just b/c of hatred towards someone- usually the President. (Joy Behar) I am so sick of her visuals so over the top and running off at the mouth. I am embarrassed by her comments. No grace, no dignity.,The only one of the cast I admire is Meaghan who carefully does her due diligence before speaking on a topic. She also measures what she says and speaks with honesty and level heaviness. It’s gotten to the point where I’m wondering why am I watching this program? Such criticism, hate, nit picking( now Dr Birx Is under the knife). When will they be more positive.? I’m disgusted with it all. I don’t know why anyone would watch a program that instills anger, downplays intelligent, dignified hardworking people and thinks the way they would handle a controversial topic is the correct way. These women talk as if they have lived in others shoes! Walk in their shoes, please, maybe your comments will be tempered and you’ll be a bit more humble. What about a little EMPATHY!