This is not a blockbuster movie with a huge budget, amazing writing and a highly overpaid cast. What it is is an entertaining, tv show about vampires (sort of). The thing it has going for it is that it has steered away from the dracula-esque vampire tales that we’ve had in one form or another five trillion times. This steers more towards the zombie/plague genre. Either way, it’s literally beyond reality, meant to be outrageous and you are just torturing yourself if you’re gonna spend time analysing all the plot holes, scientific mistakes and improbabilities - seriously, just watch something more gritty and ‘real life’ like. IS actually does a good job with what he is given and in my opinion. There are cringe moments, there are continuity issues, but I kinda knew that was gonna be the case. It deserves a second series, but to get in the ratings game and some credibility, it needs better writing and must not fall into that black hole where you suddenly realise the writers seem to be literally making it up hour by hour - I’m thinking ‘heroes’ and ‘lost’ just drivelling on with weird so called twists.