Though the game was real action based fun, and it felt good to roam the streets of raccoon city as Jill, the dodging mechanic made the game too easy to not get hit, and they removed huge sections of the game that made the original feel intense. They removed all the puzzles from the base game, all the different enemy types and bosses, and they barely gave carlos any playtime. Carlos should have had his own storyline to give more depth. They took away the option to fight nemesis and replaced it with forced boss fights and made them quite easy with the amount of ammo and weapon variatons. Nemesis felt easy even when i played hardcore difficulty. Inferno was definitely a step in the right direction making the game feel different. Too much time was spent into making resident evil resistance, which was good, but it took away the reason people bought RE3R in the first place, which was to get taken through a nostalgia train, but instead, jill doesnt go into the RPD or fight giant spiders or worms while being low on ammo, dodging was easy to learn despite being near impossible in the original. My first run through of the game, i beat on hardcore in under 3 hrs and 30min which was way to fast for a resident evil game. The story was short and kind of dull, quick and low survival horror.