If you didn’t know this started as a musical A damn good musical at that. I’m reading these comments and it’s like “ why didn’t they do this ,what happens with sonny? Does he ever become a citizen? Why is Vanessa clothing shop inside the bodega? This is not a Netflix series it’s a movie....
If you have not seen the musical, graffiti Pete makes a huge tribute to abuela and usnavy decides to stay. Because this was “HIS ISlAND THE WHOLE TIME” After ten years I will say nothing will EVER beat that amazing musical. AGAIN , it was 10 years ago and Lin Manuel put a spin on it . A risk he took but I’m glad he did. One difference, they Killed Ninas mother off which is fine with me because I didn’t like her songs anyway (sorry) it was cute that Lin Manuel was the piragua guy and the Christopher Jackson (original Benny) was the ice cream man. No offense to the people who only saw the movie but after years of loving a musical I think he did the best job in the time that he had during a pandemic to portray his NEW vision. I can understand after a decade a little change needed to happen. I don’t know if anyone put any thought into this but after Many years maybe he might’ve wanted a younger looking cast for this movie hence why certain people from the musical did not star in it , and for those who did not again see the original would not understand the Piragua man, his significance, or a couple other things they threw in.
Did I miss the song Abuela and usnavy did.. yeah however they can only fit so much in a movie.
This man created Hamilton... a little more respect is due. Before that in the heights was the best thing on Broadway.
Mic drop
change is different, doesn’t mean it sucks open minds people .