Writing this in spite of my nostalgia. Played the game quite a bit, exploring and taking my time with it.
At the end of all of it, I'll say it's the best installment of the series I've played in 19 years. That says a lot for the game, both good and bad. Plenty of other developers have made rpgs that surpasses this game by leaps and bounds though. It's nothing truly impressive when compared to other developers' games.
I disliked the limited abilities of party AI. You've got to stop the flow of combat to access others skills or switch to direct control, and that just kills the mood in combat.
Control outside of combat can be clunky as well. To the point of frustration. Suddenly limiting movement speed, locking the camera angle, all manner of annoying snippets to make you want to scream out.
Graphics were beautiful. Kinda had a Fallout 3/4 vibe, but with a unique twist that made it it's own.
At the end of the day, You've already decided if you're going to get this game or not. You don't need my opinion on it. But if you are on the edge of a decision and want input, then I'd say pass this up until it's on sale. It's not so great that you should gleefully chuck $60+ for it.
If you're a FF stan, as I said before... you were gonna buy this anyway. I did, anyway.