Dumb staged drama continues! Do the producers pick out the villain(s) & tell the bachelor (or bachelorette) which girls to keep around for the upcoming weeks- even when the viewers can clearly SEE their ISN'T A CONNECTION between them? So stupid.
Tonight Peter keeps the trouble maker..Tammy. He hasn’t taken the time for a one on one with her... doesn’t seem to be physically attracted to her-yet prior to rose ceremony she calls him over for a private talk-(even though Peter cancelled the cocktail party!) So Makenzie decides she will too!! (& now she’s gunna grow some guts & be one of the mouthy ones in the upcoming shows? SURPRISE!!! They both get a rose. 😫🥴👎😫🤔 gee now there’s a surprise! Peter is no more interested in these two girls as I would be in eating canned spinach!
omg come on... Peter showed actual make out emotional feelings for the two girls that went home- Lexie & Shiann- who btw gives Peter the SAME staged SPEACH used last year about “watch out for girls in the House... be careful be aware of some of the girls here... what they say isn’t how they really feel! OMG.. right out of HANNA Bs show last year’ 🤪
So... Let’s hold on to the trouble making drama queen...Tammy... after all the producers think it makes a great show? CERTAINLY NOT what our reviews are saying
News fact-!! Watchers aren’t impressed!! This is bad. Furthermore, let’s make it new, interesting & bring in 30 + year old women who actually have a bit of since and life experience.
These girls are mostly out of college- “acting like high school”
Hardly any experience in real life ... way too young.
And at the end of tonights show,
the two girls who he hugs are the two girls to make it to the end w/ Peter, Maddison & Hanna.
Let’s end this show with those two girls hugging Peter. Unreal.
Do all these girls have acting in their resume’?
Well, we know the beauty queens must have, their certainly getting picked to be on the show every year. Get real, get with it, change it up... make it real.. it would actually be fun to watch again.