Absolutely disappointed, it is like watching a completely different movie from the animation Mulan (1998). Dialogue was horrific, Music wasn‘t present, dull jokes, 0 dynamic between Mulan and her friends... The list seems to be never ending but I just have to mention a couple of points in more detail:
The original was characterising Mulan as someone relatable, a bit awkward, funny, chaotic and very unexperienced in the art of war. In the life action movie she is super serious, a talented fighter (magically... lol) and she got it all together from the start. Character Development is just non-existent. It also seems that all scenes that are funny and make the movie so easy going have been deliberately crossed out and were filled with fighting scenes. I assume thats what the 200 million dollar budget was spent on because it definitely wasn‘t spent on good actors or MUSIC!!!!
Overall the lack of music was the biggest disappointment!!! The Director was so reluctant to use the original music that she hasn‘t even put it as a background tune when the soldiers were discussing their future wifes in the original rhymes of the song „A Girl Worth Fighting For“.
And can we please talk about the transformation scene that was just a dull boring version from the iconic moment in. the animation. You would think if the „Transformation“ song by Jerry Goldsmith was nominated for an Academy Award, it is the one song you absolutely can’t exclude from the live action movie. Well that is exactly what they did... What is the logic behind this?
Overall, if you‘re a Mulan fan avoid this movie at all costs!!! And to those who made this „Dishonor to you all“!!!