I've read some reviews and people are critiquing either PJ or Tim for how "annoying" they are based on their own preferences and judgments, or how "whiny" PJ is while Tim is a "man child" and their doomed ti fail and shouldn't be together. Also there are reviews saying how they could have went to couples counseling for their "issues" instead of something so "drastic" and "unrealistic". Or how racist this show is. ....I didn't think of any of these things while watching this show--maybe it's a drastic way to go about testing "how suited" you are for one another and couples therapy would help, but everyone goes about things in their own way and couples therapy isn't for everyone. It was interesting to see every culture's way of life and their idea of marriage and how it is so much different than all of the expectations we have of a partner. People are saying they should have been more open-minded when opting for this trip, but at the same time people are just people--of course there is going to be culture shock, sarcasm, disbelief, unwillingness, and even not being open to things even though you signed up for it. The people judging them and their relationship seem to have a convoluted fantasy of what relationships are--they're meant to be tested and to test each other and grow from--not to find the perfect match. I think the premise of this show is silly "to see if we are really compatible"--I think this show just proves that you're supposed to grow with your partner, grow yourself, and deepen your appreciation for them. It was nice to see what every marriage at some point will go through--the dislike, the sarcasm, the love, the judgments and how you need to grow beyond that to have a successful partnership overall.