What can I say about this show? I am the kind of person that doesn't want to hurt a person's feelings. I'm the mom that is like well at least they tried. I'm going to watch is show, because I love Miranda. Miranda is a fantastic show, it's a bit much at times but it's a BBC show and there's just something about that kind of comedy that sometimes doesn't track well across the pond. Miranda was a fantastic show and that's why I tuned in, I wanted to see how America was going to change it, but it was troubling to see that all they sort of did was change the setting. Some of the jokes were the same, but they were funny when Miranda did it and not so much when Mayim did it. I think it's because Miranda's awkwardness comes with the fact that she's extremely tall, and I don't know she created the show so she knew exactly how it was supposed to be so it worked for her. Then she had the hunky Tom Ellis to help back her up and a great cast. Folks aren't liking this show and that's because they say they break the wall and her awkwardness it's putting them off. I for one watched and can't become a fan because it's like someone watched Miranda, tried to write it, but they were half asleep and things got rumbled and confused. I think with time that it will get better but some things that I hated about Miranda this show did it as well but it seemed worst. The talking to the camera, and the waving to the audience when it was over, I thought that was weird for Miranda and now it's extra weird for Call Me Kat. Call Me Kat is a good show, but it would be great if they used the material and grew from it, not duplicate it varbatim.