I’ve not seen this highly entertaining 1984 Spy/Heist flick in (Literally) Decades! A lot of fun, the clothing, dialogue, set pieces & characters are all perfect for the 1930s setting. Although it was made along with 1983’s High Road to China (set in the 1920s) & 1990’s Quigley Down Under an Australian/American Western set in the 1860s, to “Cash In” on both the popularity of Tom Selleck’s character & TV Show, “Magnum PI), Tom Selleck has always been a great character himself, as well as a highly talented & interesting actor with a great deal of natural charisma and personality & still does, whether it’s as Monica’s older lover Richard, in “Friends” or as the gruff, but caring New York Police Captain & equally dedicated family Patriarch in “Blue Bloods”.
I think perhaps Tom Selleck’s fascinating blend of Hero, lovable-and-dependable bad-boy, Everyman, caring friend & determined, if reluctant Fighter, has to do with the fact that he actually has lived experience as a Soldier, when he served in the during the Vietnam War. Upon receiving a Draft Notice, Selleck joined the California National Guard. He served in the 160th Infantry Regiment of the California Army National Guard from 1967-1973.
Tom Selleck was a Spokesman for and a member of the Board of Director for the NRA (National Rifle Association) & resigned from the Board in 2018. Again, part of his appeal is that he is an keen outdoorsman, marksman & firearms collector, and it shows in his work.
You Believe in him as a Cowboy, because he Is a Cowboy. You Believe in him as a former U.S. Navy Seal-turned Private Investigator who served in Vietnam, because he Did serve in Vietnam. You Believe in him as a NYPD Police Captain, because that former Military experience informs how he presents that Believable Character.
I remember watching the Video of Lassiter which I rented from the Video Store (those were the days) several times & I recall that it was entertaining, engaging & had enough actual twists, as well as self-awareness of the fact that it was also just a fun, well-made romp that made us nostalgic for the 1930s we never had to live through!
The beautiful Jane Seymour & the always watchable & fascinat Bob Hoskins were excellent co-stars & you always believed in the characters & what they were supposed to be doing.
I’ll have to check out Lassiter, Quigley & High Road to China again.
Go the Moustache!!