For those looking for a series to watch look no further. *Squid Game* is a riveting and mind blowing masterpiece. Tafuta Wheelbarrow ya Popcorn 🍿🍿🍿 coz this piece of work will make you glued on your screen for 485 minutes.
Just a synopsis of what the the nine episode series is in store for to those avid thriller fans;
A group of 456 men & women who are debt striken and on the brink of bankruptcy (either by their own making/ by the ploy of the captors) are hoodwinked by a shadowy organization to participate in a Life or Death game "Squid Game" in order to win their financial freedom. Traditionally,the games are harmless & are played by children in south Korea.
The season starts slow but picks up once done with the first episode. All manner of human beings persuasions and characters that drives them are laid bare.Compassion,Greed,Lust, Love of money, deceit, betrayal, blood, fighting ecetra. It shows the treacherous path human being can take when pushed to the limit for self preservation & to acquire material wealth.
The acting,plot & character development was well woven. It's emotional, comedic, dramatic and full of suspense. What a Thriller!