When did the news turn into the personal feelings or opinions of the people on this show? I do not always agree with the president but he is our commander and chief... the total lack of respect is disgusting! This news group seems to be all about bashing one person from one side of your mouth .. while from the other side you want to talk about unfair treatment of everyone else. I changed my news channel to you because of this and now I will get my weather from my phone because I will no longer support your group either. I think your morning show people are part of the problem in our country today. Maybe if enough people take a stand the management of this group will start reprimanding their employees.. because just like the president you to can be voted out. My mother always told me " if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything" Ms. King and her cohosts should try that for a change. We don't have to agree but we should be respectful of each other's difference of opinions..