People, it is a popularity contest!!! People call in and vote just like any other show! Just like The Voice, or America's Got Talent, or any of those types of shows. Its all about how popular you are. Was I in shock when JP was voted off? Yep, sure was. Did I kick in my TV and jump up and down and cry and say I am never going to watch that show again? Nope, I am an adult and I know it is a popularity contest. So grow something between your legs and pick yourself up off the floor. You say you are NEVER going to watch it again, but I bet you my next paycheck that you are going to be watching next season, and be on here again doing the exact same thing. Might not be under the same name or User ID, but you will still be watching the show and b*****ing about the results. And in the end, what will change? NADT!!!