A dystopian masterpiece which explores the human condition through the story of Campion, one of a small group of children being raised on the forbidding world of Kepler 22b by Mother and Father, two androids sent from a war-torn Earth to try rebuild Humankind.
The effects of religion, mythology and science on belief systems are central themes.
The conflict that follows the arrival of a rival group of colonists weaves all these elements together into a small scale replay of the wars which destroyed human civilization back on Earth, but this time there might be no survivors...
Ridley Scott's influence is strong, as can be seen the way the planet Kepler 22b is depicted in much the same way as the planet LV223 in Scott's "Aliens" franchise movie "Prometheus" and the way the androids Mother and Father also resemble the androids in those movies.
The series has a weird feel to it, the mythological imagery contrasting with high technology of advanced nanotech calibre contrasting with slightly retro designs harking back to 1950s and 60s scifi mixed with a gritty cyberpunk elements. It's a true smorgasbord of scifi tropes while still having its own distinct character.
The storyline is epic in scope, where the future of Humanity is determined against a backdrop of human sin, mentally unstable hunter-killer androids, dangerous alien life forms and desperate heroism.