It fell short in continuity for me. I felt there could have been a scene with the boy and his reporter friend to give a “back story” so that those of us could get on board. It skipped around a bit., from a city gripped by a wanna-be to training the boy for a few screen seconds which was a wasted moment of screen time, to one screen moment he is saying no he’s not the good guy, to the very next screen moment he is telling the kid all about his power, to the (hopefully) exaggerated way in which Stallone walked and “acted” like a man of 80 rather than a “super hero/villain”. (Yes I know he is 70+ But he has never shown it like in this movie). I could’ve got on board with that fact, had there been a more in-depth backstory as to maybe without his brother he lost some of his power, or even The lack of his hammer zapped some of his power away etc. The explanation as to why he was “weak” was weak. The burning up of his body was completely lost reasoning wise.
The fire scene lasted way too long, and with exaggeration that was unnecessary. Stallone has a brilliant production/directorial mind, and I am shocked at the final product. As I truly don’t believe it that lived up to the hype we expect from his movies.
Good news however!!! , Stallone is the man!! Despite above I still gave it four stars for the action, plot and twist ending. another 20 to 30 minutes of good editing and a few more scenes to tie in and I feel they could’ve pulled this movie together and truly made it into something that could’ve spawned a sequel.. where samaritan never did die, and where they would hook up together and fight the criminals in the city together.
Overall. A solid B rating from me for this movie 🍿. And as a girl who loves action, I would have love to given it an A !!!