It has been butchered. Characters that didn't appear until later are suddenly there, I am sorry, but if the author was still alive, I doubt that he would have let this be shown. Why change the story so radically when they did not need too. They basically took different characters and mixed them together, different books and took pieces from them, all of the other series based on the books have been true to the story line, they were all successful, why butcher something brilliant and turn it into this.... And even with all of that, I have tried watching it, but these were books that had brilliant who did it scenarios, they were amazingly complex, and so were the characters, these characters are suddenly in your face, instead of being introduced with feeling, Angua had great difficulty with telling anyone about herself, here she is just laid bare as another random, Cherry was fighting to wear lipstick, as the dwarves didn't like to see their females wear makeup, these were some of the things that I have loved over the past 35 years reading these books, I always wanted them to come to the screen, it just isn't fair that they took the dirty horrible gritty truth of the homophobic sexist racist original, which you saw the characters change, themselves and others, and just made it, Blah, it was meant to hold a mirror up to life, not pander to it.