Thanks Netflix, I now have a permanent eye migraine, a post traumatic headache and have cringed so much that I can’t walk.
Btw, this review will spoil most of the movie (read the spoilers and don’t put yourself through the movie-take my words)
I watched this with my family for my cousin’s ninth birthday, and I hope it didn’t ruin her night. After scrolling through Netflix for about ten minutes, we found this movie and turned it on. Look, this movie displays important and good lifelong morals, but, really, does the main character have to have the AmAzIng PoWeR oF LeaDeRsHiP? At the point that she became the LeAdEr of the group, I groaned and decided to stop watching the movie and clear the table. Wow, I thought it would never come to this.
After cleaning all 11 dishes and plates from the table, I came back to see that the SpEciAL HeRo ChiLdReN had happily broken out of their feral apocalypse cage. I am now petrified of all public playgrounds at the possibility of some rabid shark child jumping out and biting me. You learn something new every day.
And the takeover of power. By this point, An ambulance was on it’s way because I couldn’t get up to walk and my body was frozen from cringe and horror. After trying to recover from having cringed into my bones, I still can’t bear the thought of this movie.