It is not an awful movie, it is just not worth investing time. Maybe it is just me since rotten tomatoes gave it a high rating. Plus I did go into it without watching the trailer. The music, direction, cinematography, even the premise was nice but I just did not care at all about the characters. Not even the slightest. If in the middle of the movie one of the characters abruptly died I wouldn't mind. The actors acted well so maybe the issue was with the script. It tried to do so much that it felt like a watered-down version of what should have been an amazing movie. If you like slap-stick comedy you might enjoy the movie. If you are looking for a feel-good movie that pays homage to musicals this one just falls short of hitting the mark. My advice is, start watching it. If you don't like it 15 minutes into the movie, you won't like it all. It does not get better. But if you enjoy the first 15 minutes this is the movie for you!