I am so glad in America people have their own opinions but looking at Tucker's show tonight for 10 minutes about Chris Cuomo not wearing a mask at his own house was so elementary. This man is blessed to be alive. Why focus on false information? I would love for Tucker to talk about men that rape young girls, bully people, make fun of disabled folks, lie 24/7, fire people because they don't think like him, ignores CDC rules of mask and social distancing ,threatens people, pays off mistresses, belittles females, tied to sex ring, disrespects anyone and everyone, goes against science, loves hate groups (" stand by he said") someone that is more like a dictator,( loves Putin), concerned only about self and making money for his family and business. Talk about how this man “President Trump” has put so many people's lives in danger and is the reason for so many deaths in America, because of his lies and won't listen to Dr. Fauci. Talk about our president that says he knows more than generals, doctors, secretary of state, ambassadors, military, justices, FBI, CIA, etc. I want you to talk for 10 minutes on why "Trump " said: I did more for you than Jesus.... and all he did was leave..... nobody knows where he went!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You need to mention on your show how Obama dealt with Ebola, scars, mers, H1N1, and how the country stayed open and the economy boomed. How many deaths did we have in America? I am a teacher that teaches FACTS to students and here goes people on FOX everyday lying and twisting truths which you call Alternative facts these days. Educated true Christians try to understand this kind of talk show but we have to pray for you Tucker and others that report misinformation 70% of the time and speak of opinions 100% of the time. Tucker, ask GOD to soften your heart and stop all this ignorance spewed out by you .The people that love a man like TRUMP and what he stands for is embarrassing to us and the entire world. I really don't care that Trump has a 5th grade vocabulary but he has lowered the standards of the office of the presidency. We have a Commander in Tweet today. Never before has the world protested an American President like what we have seen today in the White House and that speaks volumes and truths. God bless you Tucker......That is what The Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth wants us to do. Hint: BIBLE, pray for you and this country........ I gave you a star rating only because it makes you do that before posting