I love this show as hell😍😍😍 .Just disappointed its ending so soon😣.But its my best TV show so far especially episode 10😆😂😍😋.To be honest I think that this show is awesome.It took time for VD to become that awesome.I think people should at least try and wait for the story to unravel itself first.Those claiming that this TV show is boring are not really following its arrangement.Everyone is expecting something similar to originals and VD and thats why they are not enjoying the show. But I thank julie for always surprising us with her unique strategy.The vampire diares was about love, the originals was about family and this awesome spinoff is about friendship try and keep up people.lol😉😉.
BTW this weeks episode is now my favourite, this are the kind of twists that make julie plec awesome I mean criazly did y'all expect such an ending finally hope is no longer a supernatural loner.Kinda of funny if you ask me, a tribrid who claimed to be the only one of her kind dating another supernatural who's the only one of he's kind I mean men come on a Phoenix 🙌👏👍 julie you are a unique icon. This is exactly what I was saying .The story has just started unravelling😋.