[spoiler free] This game is not a 10/10 or a 1/10 like many people claim. The game has some issues story wise and in terms of pacing, but still delivers an emotional and satisfyingly long game. The graphics, voice acting and music are fantastic, with some of the best character animations I have ever seen. Gameplay is very similar to the first game, which is not necessarily a bad thing since it was very good to begin with, however, there is only a few new additions to keep things fresh.
The game is confronting in certain sections, and the developers clearly do not want you to feel 'comfortable' playing this game. Ellie and Joel that you know and love from the first game are taken in a direction that you might not agree with, however, is appropriate to the situation. The game is less about the 'infected' and more about the people themselves. It cleverly shows the effect that the outbreak has had on the characters, creating a world of violence and savagery. There is some clever writing here, although not perfect.
Most people have an issue with some of the new characters. This is the main negative of the game, as the timing of their introduction is off-putting. While they deliver an interesting story for the most part, the issue is that most people don't care or have an attachment to these characters. The game tries to make you like an initially unlikable character, which doesn't quite pay off. The new characters are essential in telling the overall story and throughout the game become more interesting, however for most people it wasn't what they wanted to see. With better timing of these characters it may have allowed more people to sympathise and understand these characters.
Overall I believe this game is an 8/10, the overall story and most characters arcs (especially Ellie's) were cleverly written and tell a very emotional and thought provoking story. The game is let down by some of the pacing and new characters, however.