A polarizing movie to say the least, you will either love it or hate it, there is just no middle ground here. A masterpiece highlighting the need men and women feel to succumb to a higher power, a calling greater than themselves so as to drown out the constant cacophony of modern civilization. The creators have depicted one such instance probably more tragic than most where this urge manifests itself in the worst possible form of religious stigmatism and dogma corrupting good men and women in an intricately woven web of tales, where even the most noble of desires and thoughts turn ashen amidst the search for something that is not present, not in the material sense at least. It is a direct and rather refreshing take on how modern civilization and a constant fear of losing one's own identity that leads good folk into becoming the most gullible fools in a desperate attempt to preserve some control over their own fates, and more importantly the disillusionment that follows once everything they hold good and dear is lost in the chaotic madness!!!