I absolutely love the show. It’s so real and unreal at the same time it’s hilarious. That and it’s based off the most incredible book series ever. It’s definitely worth watching it has a great cast and great storylines. Most importantly it has the exact same feel as the books which are absolutely incredibly smart witty books. The great part about these characters are that there not like all the other characters from things like Harry Potter or Narnia these are characters who are not special, who are pretty screwed up, yet their just trying to make it at life. There are plenty of themes in the show and the books that are completely relatable because there’s no magical Cure to life, there’s no happily ever after‘s, and I think that’s what the show masters so before you think it’s dumb. Give it a chance for what it supposed to be and not what the rest of the genre Pro trays for you might just find something truly magical in that