I must be one of the only ppl that liked it, I think the musical element of it enabled the audience to see just how troubled, broken and insane Arthur was. The ending was tragic and I was very shocked and I left the cinema feeling a little empty but it was foreshadowed throughout the movie that this joker wasn't really our joker, that it was really a story of tragedy, a lonely man who was deeply misunderstood while battling with his mental health. The movie did a great job at highlighting this. There were times in the movie were I felt really bad for Arthur, he really wasn't cared for or even treated as a human being as Arthur, it seems he felt more alive and real as the joker. I do understand why people dont like this movie, as someone who likes musicals I know my opinion will differ from others but even so I genuinely believe the musical element was very unique and a fun twist but I think they should have not made this into a musical, they could've done so with a spin off movie or a prequel...