I was just watching Latino Republican segment on Morning Joe where a reporter asked a number of Latin republicans questions about the current Immigration situation. The reporter asked the wrong questions and after the ridiculous answers given by these ignorant examples of Latino republicans there was no feedback by Morning Joe except by a Republican Contributor to Morning Joe. Why not have someone Latino on Morning Joe who can point out all of the atrocities and struggles that Latinoes have endured because of Immigration policy's instigated by republicans over many years. I expected better from Morning Joe. I am ashamed of these Latin Republican examples of persons who could not have nor show any empathy towards the photograph of a Father and his young daughter dead hugging each other in death. I have no doubt all of these Latin republicans go to Church every Sunday to give hand shakes and exhort the mantra May God be with you. What a Shame, What a Shame. The next time Morning Joe has a segment like this one call them out just like Morning Joe calls out every other ignorant segment that needs a light shone on ignorance.