I reealise that hoarding can be a phycological problem, However I blame the children who sometime admit that they haven't visited their parents for years, spouses who don't put their foot down and start helping their wife sor husbands, etc. Children blame the parents for the dirty house but they don't lift a finger to start cleaning up by themselves. They become slobs themselves when they live at home. Surely a girl or boy can hang up their clothes, sort out their own books and toys etc.. It is no use leaving things to deteriorate to such an extent that such drasticsteps should be taken. Family should stay involved with ttheir parents and get theem help before it is too late. Build them some shelves and start sortiing and get some decent storage for clothing etc. It may just get a person to see what could be done. display their favourite things instead of throwing it away. Toys can go tochildren's hospitals or orphanages. This can also be a trigger for the hoarder.