First off, all of the people negatively reviewing this game either haven’t played it, or haven’t finished it. People are salty that there are gay themes or that unfortunate things happen to some characters. As someone who has loved the Last of Us for many years, I can safely say that this game is well worth the wait. Naughty dog wasn’t afraid to touch on sensitive subjects like other game companies are. This makes it very real and emotional. Naughty dog even said that you’re either gonna love it or hate it due to these risks that they took. The game is all about the aftermath/affect that decisions have on characters. These characters have to carry the guilt that their choices have created. Nothing is black and white in the Last of Us 2. I think that this game is a masterpiece, and I think a lot of people are just jumping on the bandwagon to hate it due to either not finishing it or because other people bombed it with bad reviews. Maybe they just can’t handle the violent themes or emotion that this game creates.