This movie did what many can’t, If you have a soul that is, or are an animal lover I suppose, it reaches in and exposes your raw emotions.
The moving is heart warming as well as heart breaking. Just like life, the movie follows the highs and the lows.
It is touching, it has a beautiful message, and I’d like to believe it will touch most people.
The first time I saw it I don’t believe there was a dry eye in the theater. The second time, much the same.
I feel it was done tastefully and reminds us of the loyalty of animals and the inherent good in people.
Frankly this movie has emotion and depth, which is perhaps why some critics have panned it. People are afraid of being exposed, feeling vulnerable, and allowing their emotions to bubble up.
For me, seeing a movie that was not just another live action remake, not another comic franchise, not another horror movie, not another action movie, or cheesy computer generated “cartoon”; was a wonderful change of pace.